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The TYC Spring and Fall Series Results and Yearly Divisional Championship Stats are automatically calculated as race results are entered. The results and scoring are formulated based on the Scoring systems as they are outlined below.

Scoring: Spring and Fall Series
The TYC scoring system is based on a "High-Point Scoring System" (Based on the Valencia Louis Vuitton Scoring System) and the standings will be decided on the total number of points totaled at the end of a series. For each race, racers will earn points based on the number of boats competing in a race. All racers are included in this calculation. The theory behind this scoring system is that all racers will earn more points based on the level of completion and number of racers in the field. The first place boat (based on their corrected time) will be credited a point for every boat that "starts" a race, the second place boat will be given one less point and so on. The last place boat will earn one point. (Note: The CB will not count as a racing boat). A boat acting as the CB will receive points equal to that of a Third Place finish


  • Skippers must be current on their yearly TYC Membership Dues..
  • Skippers must be current on their yearly Racing Dues.

Scoring: Year End Championship
The Year End Championship winner is calculated using the "Low-Point system" (Traditional) method and based on their placement throughout the Spring and Fall Series events. All racers are included in this calculation. Each finishing Boat will be credited points equivalent to how they finished a race. For example, a boat that finished first will be given one point, a boat finishing second will be given two points, and so on. The CB will be awarded three points. The automated scoring system will total a skippers top six finishes throughout the entire racing season to determine their final end year ranking. A skipper must have raced a minimum of six races before they appear on the stats list. Boats that have met the minimum eligibility requirements for the Year End Championship have been indicated with a Check Mark.


  • Skippers must be current on their yearly TYC Membership Dues.
  • Skippers must be current on their yearly Racing Dues.
  • Series Standings: Each Boat must have started four races and finished three races to qualify for a series championship.
  • Year End Championship: Each Boat must meet the minimum requirements for both the Spring and Fall series to qualify for the Year End Championship.
  • CB Duty qualifies as a completed race.

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